It's hard to believe, but I've been living in Pietermaritzburg for over two years now. What's even harder to believe is that... well... I like it here.
When you think about it though, every other town/city also has flaws. Anyone punting Cape town will conveniently leave out the, annual flooding, horizontal freezing rain, wind and 10 km long shanty town between the city and the airport from their discription. Durban is shockingly hot and humid and it's hard not to breath in without inhaling at least a handful of invertebrates. Jozi is overcrowded with bad traffic, trigger happy Nigerian drug lords and a serious lack of beaches. Bloem... well I don't know much about Bloem but I would avoid it anyways, their rugby team is AWEFUL (yeah thats the best I could come up with).
Still all things considered. Pmb is the place to be, nice people, chilled lifestyle, if you're into sports we host the Comrades runalotathon and the Duzi Canoe/paddle boat thingy (I'm indifferent about these... can you tell?). It helps that 50% of my matric class lives/works/studies here, they are excellent company. Best of all, Pmb is just the right size to have the benefits of a city and a town. I could go on about finer details but they aren't very amusing to read about so I'll stop there. (phew, think I got myself out of that one quite nicely...).
I guess what I'm trying to say to all my friends abroad is... PLEASE move to Pmb. It's awesome here (trust just is). I was quite excited to learn that one of my friends from 1st year at Wits is going to be around from next week (EXCITEMENT!). Hopefully this will cause a chain reaction resulting in the rest following.
Sure Pmb has it's negative points and bad areas. It is, after all, a city built in a hole in the ground with lots of factories pumping out industrial waste to fill that hole with hazardous levels of heavens knows what... I'm also pretty sure the people that live next to the 'Duzi river (also the outlet of our city sewerage) have mutated to a point that they can breed with cabbages. Road manners and driving skills are shockingly aweful, mostly because it seems like 60% of Pmb drivers are well over the age of 90 and drive banged up beetles with "I've been an AA member for over 70 years" stickers covering the rust holes.

This beetle would fetch a high price with the old folk I'd imagine
When you think about it though, every other town/city also has flaws. Anyone punting Cape town will conveniently leave out the, annual flooding, horizontal freezing rain, wind and 10 km long shanty town between the city and the airport from their discription. Durban is shockingly hot and humid and it's hard not to breath in without inhaling at least a handful of invertebrates. Jozi is overcrowded with bad traffic, trigger happy Nigerian drug lords and a serious lack of beaches. Bloem... well I don't know much about Bloem but I would avoid it anyways, their rugby team is AWEFUL (yeah thats the best I could come up with).
Still all things considered. Pmb is the place to be, nice people, chilled lifestyle, if you're into sports we host the Comrades runalotathon and the Duzi Canoe/paddle boat thingy (I'm indifferent about these... can you tell?). It helps that 50% of my matric class lives/works/studies here, they are excellent company. Best of all, Pmb is just the right size to have the benefits of a city and a town. I could go on about finer details but they aren't very amusing to read about so I'll stop there. (phew, think I got myself out of that one quite nicely...).
I guess what I'm trying to say to all my friends abroad is... PLEASE move to Pmb. It's awesome here (trust just is). I was quite excited to learn that one of my friends from 1st year at Wits is going to be around from next week (EXCITEMENT!). Hopefully this will cause a chain reaction resulting in the rest following.
But...they don't have falafels...
Sorry, I can't live somewhere that doesn't have falafels.
I'd hoped you wouldn't bring that up Luke. You've quite posslibly ruined a good thing I could have had going here...
I will let everyone know when a falafel house opens in Pmb.
Awww, EEbs! I miss you too!
But I wil wait until there are falafels. sorry, priorities! For what it's worth I'l'l be spending some time in durban in November!
What!? did I say that I missed you guys?
Heck no!
I chat with you all on a daily basis. I hope nobody pictures me sitting alone in a dark room sobbing away with emotion because I miss my friends.
I'm not a woman... (no offense, but women generally are hugely more sensitive than men).
btw Helen. send more details on your visit to durbs. we must definitely get together.
no beach, no live.
But durban is close enough to you, when i get back
Dude, you willingly moved to London. Your beach arguement holds no water (aha ha, i should be shot for that actually...). I've not heard much about the UK Surf seen in any case
everyone is moving to PMB?!
BUT WHY???????????
Isn't it obvious Sarah!
(that's all i have i'm afraid)
You mean you don't miss us?
No!!! missing people is a waste of time and emotion. see how your comment emoticon wreches at your very soul eating away any strength you once had (you even put a tear in there! Why?).
Also it's much easier to not miss anyone so they don't miss you in return. so there. (did that make sense?).
I just want to barf when i see/hear people having the "I miss you" conversation.
"I miss you too"
"but i miss you more"
"not half as much as...."
Give me a break. get on with your lives already!
I do miss falafels though. still i don't let that get to me. we have the best bunny chow in Pmb.
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