I sit now and ponder over the last few weeks. My life has been quite interesting you see. Mostly private affairs of which I will not dwell on here. In general everything is okay, an immense sense of calm filters through my heart, mind and soul as I type. The tinkling sound of a teaspoon meeting the edge of the cup while I gently stir hot fragrant rooibos and camomile tea is as good and as comforting as listening to an angel playing soft chords on a golden harp. Why all this you ask?
The dawn of realisation!
In this state of bliss everything makes sense. We humans place far too much emphasis on petty issues. These may seem like insignificant things and may be taken for granted by some. They do, however, build up inside. Some reach a point at which they explode into an undignified tearing heap of emotion. Others violently wrestle with their own minds, trying in vain to hide from the truth, all the while spiralling down into oblivion.
In your head, a logical voice speaks (imagine... Anthony Hopkins). "You, have problems!? Hah! Stop feeling sorry for yourself you pitiful excuse for a human." Anthony stares questioningly into your eyes before saying...

"...The world is full of, 'problems'. The trick to overcoming them lies in your own head. A problem is only percived as one after ones mind chooses to categorise a situation thusly."
"Well, think about it..."
"You are in fact, stronger than you know."
"The boundaries you are confined within are nothing more than imaginary points of failure you have identified for yourself based on... well... nothing really."
"You're going to die sometime whether you like it or not. Must you waste your life dwelling on petty issues and living in fear?"
"Get over it..."
Wow, you're all philosophical today...
sorry, it happens once in a while.
i'll make it up with an extra dollop of arb in the next post.
did that kind of make sense to you though?
or am i living in my own alien planet
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