I’d like to see myself as the type of person who gets right to the point of a situation without any fart’arsing around. Sure some people detest that, it’s not long before these people realize that they don’t HAVE to get along with me if they don’t want to and quickly run…far, far away. It’s a huge advantage seeing as I don’t have to put up with people that don’t want to put up with me. If this doesn’t make sense to you let me rephrase.
At the end of the day you don’t get to know your enemies well enough to make enemies in the first place… thus I have no personal adversaries. I’m not even sure what having one would be like to be honest. I’m just assuming that adversaries = bad news and no benefits. I could be entirely wrong about all this though… an adversary may provide hours of joyful plotting and strategizing. Or in the case of Discworld, trolls and dwarves just fight against each other because they always have and they don’t know any different (at the end of the day having an adversary gives you something to do…). If you have one please leave a comment to enlighten me.

In any case, I think I can say with a highish degree of confidence that the people that do know me half expect me to say something inappropriate…so I basically get away with stuff that others would be keel hauled for.
At the end of the day you don’t get to know your enemies well enough to make enemies in the first place… thus I have no personal adversaries. I’m not even sure what having one would be like to be honest. I’m just assuming that adversaries = bad news and no benefits. I could be entirely wrong about all this though… an adversary may provide hours of joyful plotting and strategizing. Or in the case of Discworld, trolls and dwarves just fight against each other because they always have and they don’t know any different (at the end of the day having an adversary gives you something to do…). If you have one please leave a comment to enlighten me.

In any case, I think I can say with a highish degree of confidence that the people that do know me half expect me to say something inappropriate…so I basically get away with stuff that others would be keel hauled for.
For example, this chat conversation I had with an anon friend this morning.
Gmail status of anon friend: XXX is boiling, grr.
Ebrahim: whats the matter? just put your aircon on...
Anon friend: we don't have one
Ebrahim: so get one simple hey :D
Anon friend: yeah... because I can buy one with my measely salary :p
Ebrahim: i suppose you could wait till you reach menopause (sp?) i hear that women get cold and hot flushes... you just need to wait for the right one to come along.
Anon friend: wow... I'm not even going to consider that as an option
Ebrahim: you only have to wait around 15 years before your ovaries become shrivelled up enough. are you comfortable talking about this stuff?
Anon friend: now there's a great conversation to have with a guy friend, lol it doesn't bother me actually
Ebrahim: (phew!)
Sophia Bexter: lol
Ebrahim: still feeling hot? (just though i'd remind you uncomfortable you are...)
Anon friend: thanks :p yeah I am... I feel like running through a sprinkler
Ebrahim: hey lets go for dinner this week. i'll introduce you some of my large german friends (as in tall)
Anon friend: that sounds good
hmmm. I just this second forgot the point of this post...
(There was one, honest! It was a Duzi too!)
oh well I'll remember it later when it's too late to make a difference.
It's good to be me.
inappropriate is your middle name!
what would you be without it??? a hollow shell. thats what
i dont have any enemies either... i do however, have some stupid people who believe that life is a competition and they compete with me. this aint high school dumbass.
Your chat wasn't with a Sophia Bexter by any chance? Because if so...so much for anonymous... ;)
Yes...you are the king of inappropriate :) I'm fairly certain that you will not be challanged for that title.
I also don't have any enemies. Or at least, none that I know of...Feel free to let me know if I do have any that I have overlooked!
competition has to go both ways. it's pretty sad when people fool themselves into thinking they are competing with someone who isn't aware of it.
as for my anon friend Sophia Ellis Bexter.
she and i are chat buddies. I just like telling her how rubbish her songs are... ;)
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