Inglorious Basterds is a masterpiece!
The basic plot: It's WWII ande Evil Nazi's are ruthlessly hunting down and slaughtering Jews. Enter the Inglorious Bastards, an elite force of ruthless Nazi hunting Jews. At this point in time I found myself rubbing my hands together in glee at the propect of sweet sweet revenge (especially after the introduction that will make you hate the Nazi's with a passion).
As with all Tarantino movies, there is a fair amount of blood, guts and scalping... Don't let this put you off though, there is soo much more to this movie than violence. The violence is only the lettuce in the burger (makes it look appealing to eat but doesn't really change the flavour...would you have got that if I didn't explain?). In any case, I was expecting the main focus of this motion picture to be the actual bastards and their ecapades. In fact, you will be thrown about different chapters with various other characters and themes till all the story bits come together for a grand finale.
I was Uber impressed with the depth of personality portrayed in the 'bad guys'. It seems that Mr Tarantino spends more time developing these roles than he does protagonists. Which is fine... It just means that by the end of the movie you are kind of torn between siding with the shallow and predictable Inglorious Bastards or the evil but quite genius Nazi's...
...which in a Tarantino movie doesn't really count for anything since the plot has a 99% chance of killing off everyone.
As a bonus for some, you get to look at the moderately attractive Melanie Laurent in a number of scenes. I for one, think she has a bit of an 'i'm a drug addict' look about her. The number of extreme close ups on her face also make you realise how strange her nose looks from certain angles... Enjoy it while it lasts because you will be scared as shit of her after one of the final scenes in the movie. Brrrr... good grief!
I was Uber impressed with the depth of personality portrayed in the 'bad guys'. It seems that Mr Tarantino spends more time developing these roles than he does protagonists. Which is fine... It just means that by the end of the movie you are kind of torn between siding with the shallow and predictable Inglorious Bastards or the evil but quite genius Nazi's...
...which in a Tarantino movie doesn't really count for anything since the plot has a 99% chance of killing off everyone.
As a bonus for some, you get to look at the moderately attractive Melanie Laurent in a number of scenes. I for one, think she has a bit of an 'i'm a drug addict' look about her. The number of extreme close ups on her face also make you realise how strange her nose looks from certain angles... Enjoy it while it lasts because you will be scared as shit of her after one of the final scenes in the movie. Brrrr... good grief!

I'm going to see it tomorrow! I'm so excited! It was ALL OVER Europe when I was there, so I've been waiting since September. PLUS, I have no pre-conceptions about it so it'll be amazing either way!
Awesome! you will really enjoy it. Be warned, it's no chick flick. Choose your company wisely.
I went with a large group of Germans from my old school. Couldn't help nudging them all the way through the movie
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