Two parties are fighting over custody of the worlds last dodo egg. The egg is currently being held by the East London Museum (SA). They were loaned the egg 65 years ago by the Courney-Latimer family of Mauritius and decided not to give it back...

The museum director claims the egg, worth one million rands (+-100.000 USD), as museum property based on, and I quote "...What makes it important is the length of time it has been with us..." or in other words, "we stole it so long ago that it should now belong to us by default".
Failing to come up with something intelligent to say, SABC news reported "Dodo's are extinct and the chances of another egg making its way into the public domain are slim"...

The museum director claims the egg, worth one million rands (+-100.000 USD), as museum property based on, and I quote "...What makes it important is the length of time it has been with us..." or in other words, "we stole it so long ago that it should now belong to us by default".
Failing to come up with something intelligent to say, SABC news reported "Dodo's are extinct and the chances of another egg making its way into the public domain are slim"...
Wow...there grasp of probability theory is astounding!
this is why i prefer google news to SABC...
best morning read ever!
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