Thursday, November 5, 2009

Why I’m taking so friggin long with my thesis

Eight Reasons Why Optimal Foraging Theory Is a Complete Waste of Time

The Epilogue to a paper entitled “Eight Reasons Why Optimal Foraging Theory Is a Complete Waste of Time” by Pierce and Ollason (1987) summarises my predicament quite well I think.


Optimization theory has no place in current evolutionary thought: its use is a throwback to the comfortable determinism of Divine Creation; to the endeavours of natural philosophers seeking to demonstrate the wisdom of the Creator.

J. B. S. Haldane (1963) observed that there are four stages in the normal process of acceptance of a scientific idea:

(1) this is worthless nonsense;

(2) this is an interesting, but perverse, point of view;

(3) this is true, but quite unimportant;

(4) I always said so.

Criticisms of optimal foraging theory have met with all four responses, but current literature suggests very little change in the way ecologists think about foraging behaviour.

So, which excuse is it to be this time?


You see my work and hypotheses all rely on the assumption that optimal foraging theory is a strategy employed by frugivorous birds. I’m either very brave or very stupid to even try going against popular views and opinions expressed by other so called ‘experts’ in this field. Nevertheless, I will endure and make sure I get my two cents worth in there…

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